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Application Empty Application

Post by wi110w. Sun Oct 10, 2010 7:07 pm

1. What's your ingame name?
2. How much points do you have?
3. Are you active player?
4. How long have you played OGame?
1 year
5. Do you want to serve your alliance in all times?
6. What is your weapon, armor and shield technology?
7. Are you a fleeter, turtle or miner?
Fairly well rounded.
8. If you had a previous alliance what was it?
EXON I am currently one of the 3 Co-Leaders, just waiting to have the founder kick me. Apparently with my rank I cannot leave on my own accord.
9. Why do you want to join NATO?
Higher ranking alliance than my current one, also I am looking for an experienced alliance that I can learn more from.
I don't like the fact that members of my current alliance look up to me as one of our most "experienced" players, when in fact I feel I have so much more to learn.
I am hoping that NATO is also more active than my current alliance, we rarely ever ACS and most players basically keep to themselves.

After this you give us 5 reasons why we should accept you in our alliance:

1. : Rank: 177 Fleet Rank: 53 Research Rank: 84
2. : I have 8 planets all in different galaxies, all with gated moons, so i can help out almost anywhere.
3. : I am fairly active, I log on at least 2-3 times daily.
4. : I am a Team player and very loyal, I will help the alliance anytime I can.
5. : King Eric recommends me.


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Application Empty Re: Application

Post by Empire Of The Rising Sun Mon Oct 11, 2010 7:08 am

Welcome to NATO
Empire Of The Rising Sun
Empire Of The Rising Sun
Secretary General
Secretary General

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Application Empty Re: Application

Post by d7a Mon Oct 25, 2010 7:13 pm

I am d7a and would like to reapply for nato
i understand if i dont get accepted right away
i am back and here to stay Very Happy
VIII. First Sergeant
VIII. First Sergeant

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Application Empty Re: Application

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