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Application Empty Application

Post by Solah Fri Apr 16, 2010 2:48 am

  1. What's your ingame name? Solah
  2. How much points do you have? 515,484 (I took a pretty big hit recently)
  3. Are you active player? Yes, i'm online every day for at least 2 hrs
  4. How long have you played OGame? I have been playing for over a year (4 accts)
  5. Do you want to serve your alliance in all times? I have always been a team player for the alliance
  6. What is your weapon, armor and shield technology? 13/11/11
  7. Are you a fleeter, turtle or miner? I am a miner transitioning into a fleeter
  8. If you had a previous alliance what was it? HUNTERS
  9. Why do you want to join NATO? Many of my alliance mates have moved to NATO, and I enjoyed their company as a community
After this you give us 5 reasons why we should accept you in our alliance:

  1. :I am a dedicated team player
  2. :Always willing to help the lower ranked players
  3. :I have learned much from alliance players in other unis and am willing to share that knowledge
  4. :I always fleetsave
  5. :I have Grav Tech


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Application Empty Re: Application

Post by Empire Of The Rising Sun Fri Apr 16, 2010 4:32 am

I'm sorry mate but where closed at the moment 16 we are already over our limit.

When someone comes inactive I'll inform you that you can join.
Empire Of The Rising Sun
Empire Of The Rising Sun
Secretary General
Secretary General

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Application Empty Re: Application

Post by Solah Fri Apr 16, 2010 4:47 am

No Probs, let one of the hunters guys know. They can pass the message on


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Application Empty Re: Application

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