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I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership

Gen Mack
Empire Of The Rising Sun
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I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership Empty I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership

Post by Empire Of The Rising Sun Wed Sep 02, 2009 3:47 am

Before joining NATO read and learn our rules first!

After you have done that, you need to fill in this form correctly because we will decide with this form if you can join NATO or not.

In your application tell us:

  1. What's your ingame name?
  2. How much points do you have?
  3. Are you active player?
  4. How long have you played OGame?
  5. Do you want to serve your alliance in all times?
  6. What is your weapon, armor and shield technology?
  7. Are you a fleeter, turtle or miner?
  8. If you had a previous alliance what was it?
  9. Why do you want to join NATO?
After this you give us 5 reasons why we should accept you in our alliance:

  1. :
  2. :
  3. :
  4. :
  5. :
Send the application and then just wait until our leaders approve it or decline it.
After it has been approved the leaders of NATO will contact you ingame or on this topic.
And once you apply ingame you need to accept the oat in the application text to get in the alliance definitely.

Good luck to you all and thanks for choosing NATO!
PS. You don't need a NATO Forum Account to post your application!

I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership Larepubliqueemoticonsem

Last edited by Empire Of The Rising Sun on Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:59 am; edited 11 times in total
Empire Of The Rising Sun
Empire Of The Rising Sun
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I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership Empty application

Post by c cortez Mon Sep 07, 2009 12:41 pm

  1. What's your ingame name? Cobrayashi Cortez
  2. How much points do you have? 165,570
  3. Are you active player? i login to ogame about 5 or 6 times a week.
  4. How long have you played OGame? a few months in u42 (since beta days) played a few years ago in u11 and had a game running in at the same time... closed my accounts and came back to ogame when i saw the new beta interface
  5. Do you want to serve your alliance in all times? im not much of a raider with a massive fleet but i could run supply lines and help defend other fleets.
After this you give us 5 reasons why we should accept you in our alliance:

  1. : i'm an adult.
  2. : i have a decent rank
  3. : i speak english french and spanish
  4. : NATO +1 is stronger than NATO + none
  5. : i'm a pretty smart guy who listens to reason. Smile

c cortez

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I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership Empty Acruxurca's application

Post by Acruxurc Sun Sep 20, 2009 8:13 pm

What's your ingame name?

How much points do you have?

Are you active player?
yes, i log in once a day

How long have you played OGame?
on, off for a few years

Do you want to serve your alliance in all times?

Here are the 5 reasons I should be accpeted:
1. I have a friend in NATO, Dan4096, who can give me advice and resources
2. Help the alliance with defences and ACS attacks and defence
3. Eventually I can help with resources and trades
4. Help recruit more members to NATO
5. Help spread NATO through the Universe


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I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership Empty Re: I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership

Post by Empire Of The Rising Sun Mon Sep 21, 2009 9:58 am

I'm sorry your points are to low maybe in a few weeks;)
Empire Of The Rising Sun
Empire Of The Rising Sun
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I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership Empty application

Post by miTTja Mon Sep 28, 2009 2:42 pm

In your application tell us:

  1. What's your ingame name? miTTja
  2. How much points do you have? 210.000
  3. Are you active player? yes
  4. How long have you played OGame? sice start
  5. Do you want to serve your alliance in all times? yes
After this you give us 5 reasons why we should accept you in our alliance:

  1. :i am active player
  2. :i wiling to help
  3. :i am good person xD
  4. :i think it s best alianse for me
  5. :i think i can be even better whit you


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I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership Empty milinko01's application for NATO

Post by milinko0 Tue Oct 06, 2009 12:29 pm

  1. What's your ingame name? milinko01
  2. How much points do you have? 13,461
  3. Are you active player? very active i log in a few times a day
  4. How long have you played OGame? i've been playing ogame for about 3 years most of it spent in U40 untill the alliance i was in broke up and i lost most of my motivation and eventually stoped playing then decided to start up again and jumped in U42 manly for the new look and feel(played during the beta)
  5. Do you want to serve your alliance in all times? yes whenever possible and even in some impossible moments

  1. :I am a very active player you can count on me being there when no one else is
  2. :I aim to please whatever it may be
  3. :I am very intelligent and a good strategist
  4. :I do what i say im going to do or am told to do, and i get it done right the first time
  5. :i can be what ever i am needed to be you need a ruthless blood thirsty monsterI WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership Icon_twisted who am i killing , you need a miner lemme grab my pick
  6. i go above and beyond what is needed of me NATO FTW!


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I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership Empty Re: I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership

Post by Empire Of The Rising Sun Wed Oct 07, 2009 1:32 am

you can join
Empire Of The Rising Sun
Empire Of The Rising Sun
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I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership Empty not an application

Post by milinko0 Thu Oct 08, 2009 12:19 pm

unless im mistaken the above post states that i may apply for entry into NATO and I was just rejected is there something im missing here? there was no reason as to the applications rejection


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I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership Empty Re: I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership

Post by Empire Of The Rising Sun Thu Oct 15, 2009 11:07 pm

apply again Wink
Empire Of The Rising Sun
Empire Of The Rising Sun
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I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership Empty Re: I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership

Post by Metalcore Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:54 am

Lol, he was already accepted and then went inactive for 4 days and was kicked.
VIII. First Sergeant
VIII. First Sergeant

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I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership Empty Re: I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership

Post by the bard Tue Oct 20, 2009 2:53 pm

In your application tell us:

  1. What's your ingame name? The Bard
  2. How much points do you have? ~653.000 and rising
  3. Are you active player? Yeap.
  4. How long have you played OGame? 1,5 years in uni 11, and now since the beggining of this uni.
  5. Do you want to serve your alliance in all times? Sure, would you like milk with your tea? I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership Icon_razz
After this you give us 5 reasons why we should accept you in our alliance:

  1. : I'm good
  2. : I want to actively participate in the alliance, want to have fun with you guys (and gals if any)
  3. : I can be very supportive.
  4. : I know how to make waffles.
  5. : Did I mention I'm good? I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership Icon_wink

the bard

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I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership Empty application

Post by syndicat Tue Oct 20, 2009 3:22 pm

What's your ingame name? Syndicate76

How much points do you have? Current 136 (10-20-09)

Are you active player? I am on at work and at home

How long have you played OGame? I just started this week, I was on a couple of years ago for about 8 months and my personal life caused me to get away. I went by syndicate76 back then

Do you want to serve your alliance in all times? Yes I do Very Happy

The five reasons
1. I like to help and feel this will be a good asset
2. I feel my style of mineing/tradeing would benifit the alliance as I would be good with supplys
3. My attention to details would help
4. My love for developing planets would help by haveing depos/gates arround the galexy for NATO to use
5. I am a very patient person and enjoys the boreing tasks and feel this would help the alliance with me being able to be counted on to do the mundane work


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I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership Empty Re: I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership

Post by Metalcore Tue Oct 20, 2009 7:46 pm

You need to have a lot more points than that to join, sorry.
VIII. First Sergeant
VIII. First Sergeant

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I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership Empty Re: I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership

Post by the bard Wed Oct 21, 2009 2:51 am

How 'bout me boss?

the bard

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I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership Empty Re: I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership

Post by Metalcore Wed Oct 21, 2009 10:40 am

Accepted =)
VIII. First Sergeant
VIII. First Sergeant

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I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership Empty Re: I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership

Post by Empire Of The Rising Sun Wed Oct 21, 2009 12:11 pm

the bard wrote:How 'bout me boss?

i'm the boss Wink
Empire Of The Rising Sun
Empire Of The Rising Sun
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I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership Empty Application

Post by ShadowB Thu Oct 22, 2009 7:08 pm

  1. What's your ingame name? ShadowBorn
  2. How much points do you have? 119,349
  3. Are you active player? I am on several times a day
  4. How long have you played OGame? a few years, just started my U42 account a couple months ago
  5. Do you want to serve your alliance in all times? of course, being on an alliance is a team effort.
After this you give us 5 reasons why we should accept you in our alliance:

  1. : I am intelligent college student, who wont be annoying in circular messages or on the forum
  2. : my planets are all fairly safe defensive-wise, a safe place to hole up if need be
  3. : Even though i have basically no fleet, i am saving up at the moment to begin building moon killers
  4. : If I am accepted, that is one more person strong your alliance is
  5. : I love pie. If that isnt one of the best reasons ever, i dont know what is (or maybe i have good humor?)


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I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership Empty Re: I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership

Post by Empire Of The Rising Sun Thu Oct 22, 2009 11:11 pm

well you can join if your active on forums Wink
Empire Of The Rising Sun
Empire Of The Rising Sun
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I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership Empty application

Post by Mac25 Sat Oct 24, 2009 1:02 pm

1. What's your ingame name?

2. How much points do you have?

3. Are you active player?
Yes, I log in about once a day.

4. How long have you played OGame?
Almost a year now. Started my Uni 42 account in June.

5. Do you want to serve your alliance in all times?

After this you give us 5 reasons why we should accept you in our alliance:

1. : I do like to play Ogame, and I will help out whenever needed.

2. : I can hold down galaxy 8 if need be. (lossa planets out there)

3. : If you let me in, there alliance will rise to #9 (not sure if you care, but. . .)

4. : I have the ability to build RIP's

5. : I have a large fleets, and am continuing to build more every day.


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I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership Empty Re: I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership

Post by Empire Of The Rising Sun Sun Oct 25, 2009 2:18 pm

you can join Wink
Empire Of The Rising Sun
Empire Of The Rising Sun
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I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership Empty applacation

Post by neo Mon Nov 02, 2009 3:23 pm

What's your ingame name?
How much points do you have?
Are you active player?
How long have you played OGame?
Do you want to serve your alliance in all times?
After this you give us 5 reasons why we should accept you in our alliance:

:hell yes
:several months
:if you be thy shield i shall be thy sword and be thy blade and i shall be they shield
Send the application and then just wait until our leaders approve it or decline it.
After it has been approved the leaders of NATO will contact you ingame or on this topic.

Good luck to you all and thanks for choosing NATO!


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I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership Empty Re: I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership

Post by Metalcore Mon Nov 02, 2009 6:59 pm

Sorry, but we're looking for more points out of a player, and you didn't answer the 5 reasons why you should be able to join.
VIII. First Sergeant
VIII. First Sergeant

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I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership Empty Re: I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership

Post by doriant Tue Nov 03, 2009 12:00 pm

What's your ingame name?: doriantom
How much points do you have?: 1 i used to have about 16000 but my account was deleted
Are you active player?: Yes
How long have you played OGame? this is my first day on this account but i played for about 3months before that
Do you want to serve your alliance in all times? Yes
After this you give us 5 reasons why we should accept you in our alliance:
1.Im a quick builder and adapt to users around me
2.Im active very often the longest you will catch me offline is 1day unless im on vacation or something has happened and i can't log on
3.I wouldn't stop playing even if i was attacked continuesly i would adapt and find a way to protect myself
4.I like to play this kind of games and i will help when i can in any way
5.i used to be quite a diplomat whenever i couldnt fight off an invader i tryed to talk them out of attacking me and most of the time it worked


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I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership Empty Re: I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership

Post by Empire Of The Rising Sun Tue Nov 03, 2009 12:05 pm

ok i'll accept you but if I see you inactive the next 3 weeks I'll kick you Wink
Empire Of The Rising Sun
Empire Of The Rising Sun
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I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership Empty Re: I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership

Post by milinko01 Fri Nov 06, 2009 12:32 am

hey its me milinko01 just got my internet back so i thought id reapplie srry bout the instant vmode there my dad just spronge that on me so i had very little warning myself so again srry
RII. Apprentice First Class
RII. Apprentice First Class

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I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership Empty Re: I WANT TO JOIN THE NATO ARMY: Apply for membership

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