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Application Empty Application

Post by hellspaw Fri Jun 18, 2010 4:43 pm

In your application tell us:

  1. What's your
    ingame name? hellspawn
  2. How much points do you have? 1.140.426
  3. Are
    you active player? I go online at least once a day
  4. How long have you played OGame? around a year

  5. Do you want to serve your alliance in all times? yes
  6. What is
    your weapon, armor and shield technology? 13,13,14
  7. Are you a
    fleeter, turtle or miner? miner
  8. If you had a previous alliance
    what was it? MONK
  9. Why do you want to join NATO? TWA has is trying to force me to join them through acts of terrorism. I would like to stick it to them by joining a much better alliance.
this you give us 5 reasons why we should accept you in our alliance:

  1. : I can research graviton at any time once TWA lays off
  2. : I have a strong relationship in galaxy 7 with the other former members of MONK who are now in NATO. we are real life friends, so we can cooperate very efficiently together.
  3. : I am loyal and look out for my teammates
  4. : High resource levels on each planet, that do not rely on solar satellites. so in times of war i will always be producing no matter how often I'm attacked
  5. : I have a moon in galaxy 7 and a planet in galaxy 1. I would like to get a moon in galaxy 1 soon so that i can help NATO in both galaxies.
  6. : all my planets are named after futurama planetsĀ  Application Alien

Send the application and then just wait until our leaders approve it or
decline it.
After it has been approved the leaders of NATO will
contact you ingame or on this topic.
And once you apply ingame you
need to accept the oat in the application text to get in the alliance

Good luck to you all and thanks for choosing NATO!
You don't need a NATO Forum Account to post your application!


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Application Empty Re: Application

Post by Empire Of The Rising Sun Sat Jun 19, 2010 1:39 pm

Empire Of The Rising Sun
Empire Of The Rising Sun
Secretary General
Secretary General

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