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application for nato

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application for nato Empty application for nato

Post by eric3558 Mon Nov 15, 2010 8:22 pm

In your application tell us:

1. What's your ingame name? 3558eric
2. How much points do you have? 1,273,000
3. Are you active player? yes
4. How long have you played OGame? almost a year
5. Do you want to serve your alliance in all times? yes
6. What is your weapon, armor and shield technology? 15 for all
7. Are you a fleeter, turtle or miner? mostly a miner i think
8. If you had a previous alliance what was it? EXON
9. Why do you want to join NATO? would like to be in a stronger more active alliance to learn more

After this you give us 5 reasons why we should accept you in our alliance:

1. :was invited by wi110w
2. :1 yrs experience
3. :ranked 40th in research
4. :ranked in high 300s and dont have a fleet
5. :i will just keep growing


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application for nato Empty Re: application for nato

Post by Empire Of The Rising Sun Wed Nov 17, 2010 2:19 pm

you can join Smile
Empire Of The Rising Sun
Empire Of The Rising Sun
Secretary General
Secretary General

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