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Account Offer Empty Account Offer

Post by Empire Of The Rising Sun Tue Aug 10, 2010 5:28 am


I'm giving away the account of Okla

Here's some info about the account
  • Ranked: 789/3,008
  • Points: 411,868
  • Fleet Rank: 1.130
  • Fleet Points: 391
  • Research Rank: 607
  • Research Points: 149

  • Member of NATO, number 2 alliance of uni 42
  • Planets locations:
    1. 1:14:10
    2. 1:15:10
    3. 1:16:11
    4. 1:17:3
    5. 1:17:8 M
    6. 1:444:7 M
    7. 1:446:6
    8. 1:450:5 M

Account Offer Schermafbeelding2010081

There is only a few things I'm asking the new owner:
  • Be active
  • Stay in NATO
  • Be active on our forum

Just post your interested over here and give me something to contact you (Like your name on the OGame Board or email address...)
Empire Of The Rising Sun
Empire Of The Rising Sun
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Account Offer Empty *** TOP 100 -------- U10 ***

Post by Oli(M10) Tue Aug 10, 2010 5:42 am

Hey man, I am very interested in the UNI42 account

I am M10, aka oli, from the universe 10.
In uni10 i have over 2.4kk points and a 20k fleet, and experienced with raiding, mining, turtling and pretty much every aspect of the game.
I have played universe 10 since its opening and love ogame very much. I can assure you ill stay in the alliance too.
I am very experienced and know all the in's and out's anyone needs to know about ogame, and would say i am a miner/raider. I am 18 and from UK and will be more than happy to take that account off of your hands Smile

I hope you will accept my request ,
Kind regards.


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Account Offer Empty Re: Account Offer

Post by Empire Of The Rising Sun Tue Aug 10, 2010 5:56 am

well if you can show me some combat reports?
Empire Of The Rising Sun
Empire Of The Rising Sun
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Account Offer Empty Re: Account Offer

Post by Oli(M10) Tue Aug 10, 2010 6:04 am

hmmm i dont really use the ogame forum very much as the UNI10 section as you can see is so inactive so its pretty pointless.... So i havent posted any or even chat to anybody as most of my buddys from there have left... Uni10 has just 600 people now, and most of them are inactive, so its pretty much impossible to find a hit.... Which is why im looking for another universe in the first place. I only got this account about 2 monthes ago aswell as the last dude left so yeah.


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Account Offer Empty Re: Account Offer

Post by Empire Of The Rising Sun Tue Aug 10, 2010 6:26 am

so you are top 100, and you received the account from somebody else right?
Well there is another player who's interested so I'll have a thought about it

So If I understand it you got the top 100 account in uni 10 2 months ago
What was the rank of your previous account then?
Empire Of The Rising Sun
Empire Of The Rising Sun
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Account Offer Empty Re: Account Offer

Post by Empire Of The Rising Sun Tue Aug 10, 2010 6:28 am

Well it's or you or somebody else
I'll have a thought of it

So there's one more chance you can convince me I should chose you Smile
Empire Of The Rising Sun
Empire Of The Rising Sun
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Account Offer Empty Re: Account Offer

Post by Oli(M10) Tue Aug 10, 2010 6:36 am

Heres a HOF i found in my documents i did when i first got the account.... Its small i know, but i only did 1 other 20%er and i didnt even save it.... You have to understand how sparsely populated U10 is my friend lol.....

(27.06.2010 03:27:04) the following fleets met in battle:

M10 -vs- MrT

Attacker: M10


V S =-

Defender: MrT

K............. 166

after battle -

Attacker: M10
. . . . .(lost: 9)
. . . . .(lost: 0)

Defender: MrT
. . . . .(lost: 370)
. . . . .(lost: 25)
. . . . .(lost: 154)
. . . . .(lost: 90)
. . . . .(lost: 140)
. . . . .(lost: 528)
. . . . .(lost: 273)
K............. 0 . . . .
. .(lost: 166)
. . . . .(lost: 1)

XD_Jambert destroyed.

attacker has won the battle!
He captured: 64.968
metal 51.032
crystal, and 19.247

attacker lost a total of 540.000 units.
defender lost a total of 32.795.000 units.
these space coordinates now float 5.536.500 metal
and 3.579.000

chance for a moon to be created is 20 %

Result =-
the attacker got the debris..)
gain (-lost units): 8.710.747
attacker lost a total of 540.000
defender lost a total of 32.795.000
Damage: 33.335.000

Harvest report =-
recycler(s) have a total cargo capacity of 10.000.000

At the target 5.536.500
metal and 3.579.600
krystal are floating in space.
You have harvested 5.536.500
metal and 3.579.600

Advanced bilance
Attacker lost.............gain..........difference
Summary: ................................8.710.747

Defender lost.............gain..........difference
Summary: ..............................-34.945.000


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Account Offer Empty Looking For A Uni 42 Account.

Post by NeCrOmAn Tue Aug 10, 2010 7:02 am


My RL name is Dave and would Love to join up with the alliance Nato in Universe 42, I have been Playing Ogame now for over 4 Years where i started in uni 16, Spent 3 glorious years there...Making a number of HOFS playing as a miner/Raider Role..I like to have fleet but would not call myself a true fleeter but a raider.

Here is some of my work From my uni 16 days.

Also I am Aged 31, and from the U.k and have good time to give to this account, I currently play in Electra where I am ranked 401 with 3.1kk Points and progressing well, Just starting to build myself a decent fleet now. I hope you consider my post, Im doubting you will as you clearly stated on your message dont bother posting as you have enough people but i have always been a tryer and You dont get nothing if you dont try.

Ok Thats a little about me and my history, Thanks Very Much NeCrOmAnCeR


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Account Offer Empty Re: Account Offer

Post by Empire Of The Rising Sun Tue Aug 10, 2010 7:08 am

your sure you want to play in universe 42?
And you'll have enough time to play, stay in NATO and be active?

If so, then there are 3 people in for it.
I'll post my recruiter and want to hear what he thinks of it

When he replied I'll have the result Smile
From now on really no one can join in for this account Smile
Empire Of The Rising Sun
Empire Of The Rising Sun
Secretary General
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Account Offer Empty Re: Account Offer

Post by NeCrOmAn Tue Aug 10, 2010 7:16 am

Yes Of course I want to Play and I will do More than Play , I will have the account moving Forward real Fast, Good Knowledge and experience of the game I will bring to the alliance, I assure you the account will be in the correct hands if NeCrOmAnCeR has it.

I am Glad I applied It sounds like a really interesting Account, Hope To here From You soon.

Board Name = NeCrOmAnCeR
          MSN             =

Best Regards



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Account Offer Empty Re: Account Offer

Post by Empire Of The Rising Sun Tue Aug 10, 2010 7:18 am

well everyone has to know he quits playing after a fleet crash because he didn't have time to play anymore
So you'll need to rebuild some things Smile
Empire Of The Rising Sun
Empire Of The Rising Sun
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Account Offer Empty Re: Account Offer

Post by NeCrOmAn Tue Aug 10, 2010 7:20 am

Rebuilding Is no Problem, At least I can Build the fleet the way I wish in my own Comination and stuff.. Account Offer Icon_biggrin


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Account Offer Empty Re: Account Offer

Post by M10(oli) Tue Aug 10, 2010 8:12 am

He plays uni 16, and already a speed universe... i only play universe 10, and i have 2.4kk points which is probably more than him anyway.... I think his getting greedy. I am the man for you!!!


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Account Offer Empty Re: Account Offer

Post by NeCrOmAn Tue Aug 10, 2010 8:25 am

Like to say I play Electra Only, Uni 16 I played For 3 years as I said in my post...that account is Long Gone...Dont want to Bicker Just let the guys choose who they think is best for the role of the new account. I have 3.1kk points On Electra so no you dont have more and my uni 16 had 4kk points with a 1.4kk Point Fleet...Greedy, Strong Words For a stranger...I Dont know you but I know that account will travel far with me You I do not Know, and I also have experience of speed Uni and you dont or you have not mentioned it yet. Account Offer Icon_biggrin


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Account Offer Empty Re: Account Offer

Post by NeCrOmAn Tue Aug 10, 2010 8:29 am

And to add to my earlier post you were also gifted your account in Uni 10..What experience do you really have apart from a Combat report Which You dug up from somewhere???? I worked for My points In Electra as I did in Uni 16... Account Offer Icon_biggrin


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Account Offer Empty Re: Account Offer

Post by NeCrOmAn Tue Aug 10, 2010 8:34 am

Also I would not go this Far but to call me Greedy is Wrong.

Date of registration

Friday, July 23rd 2010, 11:52am

Number of profile visits

6 (0.33 visits per day)


Hi, I'm new Smile Account Offer 01

Last activity

Today, 3:10pm



You are a NOOB at this Game sorry to say.


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Account Offer Empty Re: Account Offer

Post by NeCrOmAn Tue Aug 10, 2010 8:57 am

The three Posts You Made all done today and you have already upset people on the boards with your negative attidue.
Sorry For all the posts but if you give it to this guy you seriously giving it to the wrong person after researching him a little im guessing he is a complete  NOOB.
I would rather see it go to the other candiatate for the account than a guy who is just erm lets say doesnt have a clue about Ogame.


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Account Offer Empty Re: Account Offer

Post by Empire Of The Rising Sun Tue Aug 10, 2010 9:22 am

My decision is made
NeCrOmAn will get the account

But are you still sure you will be active over here in uni 42?
because you already play in elektra and I don't know how the activity is there but maybe it's less active here Smile

If you are active on the forum here and on the universe I'll give you the account but you need to stay in NATO

To M10(oli),
I'm very sorry but maybe next time Smile
Empire Of The Rising Sun
Empire Of The Rising Sun
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Account Offer Empty Re: Account Offer

Post by M10 oli Tue Aug 10, 2010 9:26 am

Well before that i played uni 4 about 5 years ago but quit and obviously have come back. yeah you are greedy, 2 accounts already, and already in electra which is probably the best uni in the game atm. Very greedy to want more. Plus im in boring uni 10, i think i deserve it more. And i also you seem desperate for the account, selling your ass for it. Your 30 man dont sell your ass. And yeah they will choose, and they shall give to the most deserving.

M10 oli

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Account Offer Empty Re: Account Offer

Post by M10 Oli Tue Aug 10, 2010 9:29 am

How can you give it to him man.... he plays in electra.... its x4 speed and most active...... so he will have 3 accounts, i will have 1 boring 1.... not a good choice.... but yeah w.e maybe next time ..... some 30 year old loser playing 3 ogame accounts, im 17 and have a part time job, waiting to go uni. i will serve the account much better then this guy who posted even before it was over.... if he really did have 2 accounts already, why would he want another??? He already has the best of both worlds, speed uni and normal. And you give it to him?!?!? thats not good

M10 Oli

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Account Offer Empty account

Post by Night Tue Aug 10, 2010 9:35 am

hey dude i would give this account to NeCrOmAn he has shown you his hits / Battle reports

mr oily shown you something a noob can do

he says played for 4 / 5 yrs bit imature player be good sport agree you are out of your deph here dude Account Offer Icon_lol 


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Account Offer Empty Re: Account Offer

Post by Empire Of The Rising Sun Tue Aug 10, 2010 9:37 am

NeCrOmAn deleted his uni16 account so that leaves only elektra

I know elektra is an active universe because it's 4X faster
But like one of my members once said, that will mean it will die 4x faster

I wouldn't like to play there since it all goes so fast I think the 2x speed is ok Smile
Now, I really find it sad for you but I'll keep you in mind if there's another account

But if you 2 guy's can't stop fighting each other I'll go for the 3th person who wanted the account since he looks a bit nicer than you guys right now Smile
Empire Of The Rising Sun
Empire Of The Rising Sun
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Account Offer Empty Re: Account Offer

Post by NeCrOmAn Tue Aug 10, 2010 9:41 am

Thank you for the account.

Could i please state once again I only play Electra ..Yes it Active but my account is Established . I can easily manage two accounts just as you would M10 ...You see and M10 you seriously need to read the posts put in front of you, I do not play Uni 16 Anymore that is where i learned my trade, I play Ogame all night every night....I Finish On Electra having nothing left to do now uni 42 Presents me the challange of building another account and in a speed uni aswell which is close to my heart... and I am not some 30 year old loser thanks I have a great Career thanks and have actually served with Nato for real and to add to that I also have 2 young boys and a beautful Wife so Im happy.

@ Empire

I will be Active throughout m8, Do not worry and i will be active as ever on the forum too...I can Ensure you that.


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Account Offer Empty Re: Account Offer

Post by Empire Of The Rising Sun Tue Aug 10, 2010 9:43 am

just check the OGame Board I'll send the password over there,
Have a view on the account and let me know if you still wan to keep it Smile
Empire Of The Rising Sun
Empire Of The Rising Sun
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Account Offer Empty Re: Account Offer

Post by NeCrOmAn Tue Aug 10, 2010 9:46 am

oK m8 Get straight to it thanks again.. Account Offer Icon_biggrin


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Account Offer Empty Re: Account Offer

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